ルインズ/ソンボルガ magaibutsu limited MGC-22 2002 15曲 49分 ¥2400
再小編成による変拍子とメロディーが一体のサウンドは、国籍性別年齢不明な何十人もが一度に何かの会話を成立させているかのようだ。音と感情と意味との境目のない普遍性。アメリカではマイクパットンのIPECACからのリリース。Tzomborgha is the group’s eighth full-length of studio material (not counting the demo-heavy Refusal Fossil), and it’s arguably the best of the Sasaki discs. As with 1998’s Vrresto and 2000’s Pallaschtom, the obsessive desire to change directions as many times as possible in one song could drive many listeners to drink. Furthermore, Yoshida’s recent love of medleys (“Progressive Rock Medley”, “Classical Medley”, et al) is somehow not as neat as in the past. Here, “Black Sabbath Medley Reversible” (don’t think for a second they can’t play this stuff backwards) and “Mahavishnu Orchestra Medley” should be novelties but for the fact they sound a hell of a lot like typical Ruins tunes.
sample mp3: 01 Komnigriss,02 Skhanddraviza,10 Gurthemvhail,15 Mahavishnu Orchestra Medley
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