吉田達也/磨崖仏 magaibutsu limited MGC-02 1991/2001 22 songs 67 min, ¥2000 (price down!)
’91年に独ノーマンズランドから発表され世界中のレコメンファンに衝撃を与えた吉田の1stソロ。全ての楽器が打楽器と化しその上に超絶ヴォイスがからむ。全曲リミックスさらに当時の未発表曲を加えての再発。Reissue at last of the 1991 no man’s land release, completely remixed by the artist (best known as the Ruins) and with 6 extra tracks. Deeply influenced by Magma, but rather more idiosyncratic and minus the gravity and the compositional staying power, these pieces feature hell-for-leather percussion, tuned percussion, piano, bass, organ, voices and other less identifiable instruments. Tempi tend to be fast and furious, even neurotic. Nevertheless, it’s technically impressive and profoundly odd by turns and certainly in a class of its own. There are vocal moments here, and percussion moments that are definitely out there. Strange and personal. Not restful.
sample tracks mp3 : 01 Joneoik,02 Imciniad,04 Onodu,06 Nessang,15 Vonisch
sample tracks mp3 : 01 Joneoik,02 Imciniad,04 Onodu,06 Nessang,15 Vonisch
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