赤 天/純米吟醸 magaibutsu limited MGC-11 1997 25 songs 25 min. ¥1500 (price down)
赤天の4枚目は、前作での方法論を押し進め、今度は酒・米・そろばん・相撲・温泉といった日本の伝統文化に目を向けている。また、カメラやジッパーをパーカッションとして使用した音響的実験性も特筆もの。The 4th album accelerates the methodology from the 3rd, focusing on the Japanese traditional culture such as sake, rice, abacus, sumo, and onsen. The acoustic experiments of using cameras or zippers as the percussion should also deserves special mention.
sample tracks mp3 : 01 sake,13 composer,18 camera,19 telephone,20 zipper,23 sanadamushi
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